
2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here)
Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here)
NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule
2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022)
- 3.06.J : From the start of the Fall Season until December 31, teams may use unlimited guest players per weekend or event.
- 4.11 : In qualifiers, any team that forfeits for any reason is removed from the event and put in last place.
- 5.08 : During State tournaments, any team that forfeits for any reason is removed from the event and put in last place.
- 6.10 : In World Series events, any team that forfeits for any reason is removed from the event and put in last place.
- 7.01.C.1(a) : In Elite World Series, 13 Majors must use drop 5 (-5), BBCOR or wood bats only.
- 7.04.B.2 : If Pitcher or Catcher get out prior to an out being recorded in the 1st inning, and there are no substitute players, the courtesy runner shall be the batter furthest from coming back up to bat in the line-up that is not the Pitcher or Catcher of record. In all other innings, the courtesy runner is the last batted out and if no outs have been recorded, it will be the last out from the previous inning.